We believe it is crucial to ensure that the products we provide are of utmost quality. Unfortunately, we find many online stores that sell counterfeit covers, made from substances that are not tested and are not safe for the skin.
The adhesive silicone nipple covers are a good solution for masking visible nipples and can be easily applied to the breasts. There are two pairs in a pack.
The best silk nipple covers available today – the Bye Bra silk nipple covers. The nipple covers are made from a Henkel adhesive and are tested by SGS. The covers are comprised of an adhesive back side with a soft front side. These flower-shaped silk nipple covers are perfect for daily wear. They conceal nipple protrusion, and will protect your nipples, regardless of whether or not you wear a bra. Nobody will know you are wearing them.
The silk nipple covers are perfect for evening dresses, gala clothing, strapless outfits, T-shirts – clothing made from a more sensitive material, hence requiring a more discreet solution.